Surfers Paradise State School is dedicated to ensuring every child reaches their potential. The Student Support Services Team
monitors the progress of individual students, prioritises referral of students to other services provided within the school community,
and facilitates the provision of extra resources for students.
The Support Team value adds to the differentiated programs for students, EAL/D (English as an Additional Language/Dialect),
learning difficulties and or disabilities.
Guidance Officer
The Guidance Officer (GO) provides social, emotional and behavioural support for individuals and small groups.
Speech-Language Pathologist
The Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) provides assistance through assessment, therapy and home programs for voice production,
auditory processing and development of language skills.
Advisory Visiting Teachers
The Advisory Visiting Teachers (AVT) for students with Physical, Visual and or Hearing Impairments provide consultation and practical
support for students, parents and teachers.
Student Welfare Officer
The Student Welfare Officer (SWO) is employed under the National School Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Program and works
collaboratively with the school with the aim to provide support for students’ spiritual, emotional and social well-being.