Enrolment application
Check the enrolment catchment map to find your home street address. The principal will verify that your listed residential address is within the enrolment boundary. Please read the enrolment management plan (PDF, 19KB) for information about 'out of catchment' enrolments before proceeding with an 'out of catchment' application.
We require original documentation (or originals witnessed by a Justice of the Peace/Commissioner of Declarations) as follows:
- Birth certificate
- Current passport and visa for any child born overseas
- Proof of residential address
- Recent electricity/telephone account. If family resides with a relative or friend, a statutory declaration is required stating that they will be residing at that particular address. This must be signed by a Justice of the Peace.
- Rate notice (owners) or lease agreement (renters) and a verification letter signed by a real estate.
Enrolment forms are located at the bottom of this page. You are welcome to visit our school office and collect an enrolment pack instead of printing forms from this website.
We will arrange an enrolment interview once we have received correct and complete enrolment documents. Your child should be present during this meeting.
Please read our Parent information handbook (PDF, 2.17MB) prior to your enrolment interview so that you can raise any questions that are relevant to your family.
Please email enrolments@surfersparadisess.eq.edu.au if you have queries.
Enrolment documents
Please download, print and complete the following document before your enrolment interview: