Teaching and learning programs curriculum
At Surfers Paradise State School, we continually set high expectations for our students’ achievement. Curriculum overviews are provided each term to parents. A report is issued each Semester at the end of Term 2 and 4. Interviews are offered in Term 1 and 3.
From our Head of Curriculum
My name is Jen Walkerdene, and I am the Head of Department Curriculum (known as HODC) at Surfers Paradise State School. I have had over thirty years experiencing teaching years Prep to Year 6 and have always had an interest in the curriculum.
Surfers Paradise State School has been my home for more than ten years so I am familiar with many families.
Last year i was fortunate to be given the opportunity to further my skills and broaden my knowledge after being appointed the Head of Department in Curriculum. My role is very exciting as I collaborate and plan with teachers to alignment and delivery of the Australian Curriculum. I work closely with teachers and the leadership team to ensure learning is engaging and challenging for your children.
This year our teaching will see more lessons which involve students engaging in collaborative work, having multiple opportunities to practise skills while together we will be celebrating their every success.
Term overviews detail information regarding lessons and activities for each year level.